Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring 2011- Princess Lilly! Treasured Doll Face Persian Kittens!

Spring 2011 Princess Lilly! Lilly came the perfect day. She never made a fuss in the car. If someone else was holding her, she would turn and look at me the instant she heard my voice. She really likes the velvet blankets. She has one in living room and one on my bed. She has looked around and played most contently. She purrs even before I touch her. Laying in bed this moring she came right up nose to nose. I mentally told her I loved her and she reached up and petted my eyelid ever so gently. When I am busy in kitchen she lays on a rug where Im working. If I am standing still she lays right by my feet. When I sit in chair comes right to me and I can hear her purring before she gets to my lap. She has her own collection of toys and she is especially fond of the mouse shaped ones with tails. Easy for her to lift and toss and attack. She lays in the cabinet when I am on computer and if I am working too long, she makes her loving protest and taps me on the leg. She slept close to me leaning against my pillow during night. If I was gone too long in middle of night she came to see what the hold up was. Also about 930 last night when I stepped in short hall she thought I was going to bed and ran to my room and jumped on the bed. It was so precious. You would think she lived the last years with me. She seems to anticipate my movements. As you suggeste, I will wait until Monday for her to see her doctor so she is settled in. I also bought her a cushy bed fit for a princess. She will play there but when I lay down she is with me.You are a blessing to these animals and those of us who waited our lifetimes for this heavenly creatures. Will keep you informed and will send pics as soon as someone comes to download into my computer. I am not a computer geek lol. I showed her box and she went right away and then I took her to her area of the kitchen and she ate and drank. Alll is well in Lilly's castle. She will have many humans bathing her love and adoration. Thanks so very much Will keep you in touch and have already given your cattery info to two doctors. To see our available "Doll Face Persian Kittens For Sale" just click here:

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